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Why Recording a Call on your iPhone is Difficult?

Asked 04 Dec 2023 11:03:14
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04 Dec 2023 11:03:14 All Savvy posted:
As everyone knows, the iPhone does not allow third-party apps in their iOS software. However, they could not allow unknown derivative applications other than their applications. iPhone does not allow other software to be installed on their device. That’s why you can’t record phone calls on iPhone devices. However, there is one solution that many users use to record calls on iPhone devices. By using a special third-party application that can access the iOS software and easily record the phone calls.


Replied 07 Dec 2023 06:32:18
07 Dec 2023 06:32:18 Kevin Martin replied:
Due to apples strict security measures, it is difficult to record a call on an iPhone. As an iPhone user, you must comply with local laws and regulations when recording calls.

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