HTML5 MP3 Player Support Product Page


Directory for Styles and ScriptLIbrary

Asked 29 Jun 2011 18:31:18
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29 Jun 2011 18:31:18 Mike Seifried posted:
I want to keep the Styles and ScriptLibrary in a sub-directory along with all the web pages using the player. Every time I open a page with the player, the extension rebuilds Styles and ScriptLibrary in the root directory and changes the html page to refer to them by adding ../ in front of the references to them in the head. Is there some way to set these preferences. I find this very annoying, because my root directory has other directories that can easily be confused with the player scripts.


Replied 01 Jul 2011 11:03:55
01 Jul 2011 11:03:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Mike,

All of our extensions work this way - they put their scripts folder in the folder, set as a root folder in your site configuration. This cannot be changed as it is a requirement.

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