DMXzone LESS CSS Compiler Support Product Page

How to reference other LESS files without "Import"

Asked 21 Aug 2014 16:08:50
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21 Aug 2014 16:08:50 pixel spectrum posted:
Is there a way to reference other LESS files other than import? For clients when I use LESS I setup a "brand.less" which houses their brand color vars and classes. Currently I'm importing this to use the vars in the other LESS files. The only issues then I have to open each compiled css file and remove these vars since I have a general "style.css" which then imports all the smaller css/less files.

It would just be great to access all LESS files if imported into a "style.less" file, does this option exist in this compiler? I'm asking since some freelance projects will use other front-end help and would save time on removing styles.

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