DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page

Google Sitemap Generator Javascript error line 117

Reported 20 Apr 2015 16:03:14
have this problem
20 Apr 2015 16:03:14 tim cole posted:
I am getting a javascript reported problem running the latest Google Sitemap Generator. I have latest Yosemite, Dreamweaver CC and well structured HTML. But, when I run the extension I get the message:

While executing timer in dmxGoogleSitemapProcess.htm, the following Javascript error(s) occurred:
At line 117 of file "...... : DMXzone: GoogleSitemap: dmxGoogleSitemap_lib.js:
getDocumentDOM: Argument number 1 is invalid.

I hope you can suggest a course of action to follow.

NB: If I try to create a local site map, then folders get concatenated to file names (e.g. folderfilename.html) which is no good, and the folder contents are not added - just the one file.



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