DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page


Text be all scrambled when I open DMX zone

Reported 10 Nov 2016 16:28:51
has this problem
10 Nov 2016 16:28:51 Lisa Huftalen posted:
I can't read the opening screen of the DMX Zone Extension Manager. The text is all scrambled? I can send a screenshot if you want it.


Replied 10 Nov 2016 18:31:15
10 Nov 2016 18:31:15 George Petrov replied:
Yes please send to

Do you have the latest DMXzone Extension Manager 1.1.5? Also what OS do you have?

Replied 27 Nov 2016 15:11:48
27 Nov 2016 15:11:48 Jack McNeely replied:
Uninstalling the Adobe Helvetica font fixed that for me on Windows 10. I have several of Adobe's Helvetica variants, such as Helvetica Nueue and Nueue Condensed. The only one that I had to uninstall was the plain old Helvetica, consisting of just the normal and bold typefaces.

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