Animated Thumbnail Gallery 2 Support Product Page

In progress

cannot insert gallery...

Reported 03 Apr 2015 22:44:10
has this problem
03 Apr 2015 22:44:10 mark york posted:
I am using Dreamweaver CS5.5 and when I try to insert this gallery I get an error message: "dmxBrowser2 is not defined". What does this mean and how can I get this to work?


Replied 06 Apr 2015 13:29:01
06 Apr 2015 13:29:01 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Mark,
Please download and install the DMXzone Extension Manager: and use it in order to install the extension(s).
It offers much greater install/update experience, than Adobe EM. Also it does not require entering your username, password and serial number for each of the extensions that you install.
Replied 26 Nov 2015 11:29:33
26 Nov 2015 11:29:33 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl replied:
same kind of prblem "typeerror:dmxbrowser2.openurl is not a function"
animated thumbs gallery 2 installed as a upgrade to version 1 using dmx extension manager 1.0.12
uninstall reinstall, no change same error
same problem dreamweaver cs6(english) xp sp3(french)

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