DMXzone Image Processor Support Product Page


Sequence of effects

Asked 25 May 2016 18:43:32
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25 May 2016 18:43:32 Greta Garberini posted:
First of all, I want to express my thanks for this great extension. I was among those who got frustrated that it took so long to be released - but it was really worth waiting. Thanks again for the great work.

Here is my question:
I followed the instructions about resizing. Now if I want to add a cropped step - where would I put it? It seems that all steps AFTER the cropped step use the cropped image as their base image instead of the original file.

Official Answer

Replied 25 May 2016 20:38:03
Hi Greta,

You can do as many operations on an image as you wish.

The load image action - creates an instance that you give name - and on each following image operation you choose on which instance to apply it on and finally save.

So if you use the same instance - the operations will apply on top of the previous ones.
If you load a new instance (even with the same original image) you will have a separate actions on it.

So if you want to have two different resizes and crops on the original, you will be doing something like this:

load image (instance image1), resize image1, crop image1, save image1
load image (same source, but name it like image2), resize image2, crop image2, save image2

so both loads will use the same image source path for example.
Just make sure on save of course you create a new name and do not overwrite the original.

That is all - you have all the flexibility and as much resizes and operations as you wish!



Replied 25 May 2016 19:00:08
25 May 2016 19:00:08 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
It depends on what do you want to achieve? Do you want to have a separate cropped image? What other versions do you need to create?
Replied 25 May 2016 20:38:03
25 May 2016 20:38:03 George Petrov replied:
Hi Greta,

You can do as many operations on an image as you wish.

The load image action - creates an instance that you give name - and on each following image operation you choose on which instance to apply it on and finally save.

So if you use the same instance - the operations will apply on top of the previous ones.
If you load a new instance (even with the same original image) you will have a separate actions on it.

So if you want to have two different resizes and crops on the original, you will be doing something like this:

load image (instance image1), resize image1, crop image1, save image1
load image (same source, but name it like image2), resize image2, crop image2, save image2

so both loads will use the same image source path for example.
Just make sure on save of course you create a new name and do not overwrite the original.

That is all - you have all the flexibility and as much resizes and operations as you wish!

Replied 28 May 2016 05:23:02
28 May 2016 05:23:02 Greta Garberini replied:
OK thanks this is the explanation I needed. I previously had missed the power of instances.

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