App Connect Charts Support Product Page

collection in app connect

Reported 27 Oct 2017 14:52:24
has this problem
27 Oct 2017 14:52:24 dennis bates posted:
When working with Queries I made an attempt to create a graph using the average of a field in app connect. But when I tried to access it in Charts the the ability to access collections didn't seem to be working ( I.e. I could not call up the root query to create the collection average).

Not sure this made sense. Most likely its me


Replied 28 Oct 2017 08:53:32
28 Oct 2017 08:53:32 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hey Dennis,
Can you explain step by step what exactly are you trying and when exactly do you add the collections filter?
Replied 31 Oct 2017 09:20:03
31 Oct 2017 09:20:03 dennis bates replied:
I create a chart based on a server connect query that returns week number and values of a score. what I want to see is the average of the values of the score for the week.

So I create a server connect query with the week number as a query and a nested query for week number that returns the scores for that week with the grouping week number.

When I go into the app connect settigns for the chart I want it to return weeknumber as the axis and average of score for the data set

I click on the databinding and select the repeat that returns the score but then selecting the collections and Average but then the property to average doesn't pick up any fields in the bindings.

Replied 31 Oct 2017 11:54:33
31 Oct 2017 11:54:33 dennis bates replied:
While it doesn't pick up the value I can just type the field in and it will work. so at least that's a work around

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