Explore the Request an Extension


Dashboard Menu

How about an extension which can create Dashboard like menu's where you can add your widgets / icons / images to navigate your website. Having a fixed amount of widgets on the screen either horizontal or vertical and able to scroll or slide from left to right to navigate all the widgets that are not visible in the screen. It sounds almost like sliding menu extension but i think that extension is not designed to create a dashboard.

Not found such an extension yet anywhere.

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CSS3 Multi-Level Accordian Menu

While the Universal CSS Navigation Menu (UCNM) is great, I'd love to see a version that incorporates a Multi-Level accordion style menu.

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Database driven menu system

I would like to have an extension that are fully databasedriven with mulitple levels, and where I can choose graphics. MainCategory, ParentCategory.

If I can use some of the existing extensions, I would like to have a spesific walktrough.

Best regards from Norway

Runar Bolstad


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Macromedia Style Menu

Hi I am looking for an extension for creating a menu, similar to the macromedia home page. I have found something similar, but its too expensive from where I come. I would appreciate all your Help Thank you Read More

Dynamic pop-up Navigation Menu

Is there an extension for building dynamic pop-up navigation menus; the kind where you mouse over a link or button and secondary sub-menus pop-up? I need to be able to populate the pop-up sub-menus with DB records. Read More