HTML5 Slideshow Support Product Page
Inserting HTML5 Slideshow on a page based on a template
Asked 30 Aug 2010 20:07:19
has this question
30 Aug 2010 20:07:19 David Chamberlain posted:
I have a template page which has two editable regions - title and content.In the content I want to insert HTML5 Slideshow on quite a few of the pages but keep getting the message
"Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a transaltor. The change will be discarded"
How do I make this extension work in this situation.
Replied 31 Aug 2010 01:13:44
31 Aug 2010 01:13:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David,
Please add an editable region named "head" within the <head></head> tags of your document. This is needed for our extension to insert its included files.
Please add an editable region named "head" within the <head></head> tags of your document. This is needed for our extension to insert its included files.
Replied 31 Aug 2010 14:09:12
31 Aug 2010 14:09:12 David Chamberlain replied:
I can now get the HTML5 slideshow part to work but when it comes to do the lightbox bit I get the message
"DMXzone Lightbox Extension" could not update the HEAD of this document, becuase it is locked or part of another document"
This is the code round the editable region "head"
"DMXzone Lightbox Extension" could not update the HEAD of this document, becuase it is locked or part of another document"
This is the code round the editable region "head"
Replied 31 Aug 2010 17:55:00
31 Aug 2010 17:55:00 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David,
Please make sure you are using the latest version of DMXzone Lightbox.
Please make sure you are using the latest version of DMXzone Lightbox.
Replied 31 Aug 2010 19:15:00
31 Aug 2010 19:15:00 David Chamberlain replied:
I think I am using the latest version of lightbox - 1.07

Edited by - David Chamberlain on 31 Aug 2010 19:16:05
Replied 01 Sep 2010 09:31:56
01 Sep 2010 09:31:56 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Could you please send me the template file to
in order for me to check it?
Replied 02 Sep 2010 03:37:46
02 Sep 2010 03:37:46 David Chamberlain replied:
I sent you the template earlier on and you replied it worked for you and suggested I re-install lightbox.
This I did but encountered initially another problem in that I didn't get the registration validation screen and so clicking on the lightbox icon in DW did nothing. Deleted the .mno file associated with this and for good measure deleted the winfilecache-xxxxx.dat file and restarted DW. This time I got the registration validation screen entered the serial number etc. and lightbox was available after another restart of DW.
I then tried to create the page again using a smaller number of images (there were 67 in the original batch) and had the same problem when adding the HTML5 Slideshow extension with lightbox.
I then took a video capture of the screen whilst I re-produced the problem and that file is currently uploading. I will send the link in the morning.
However there is a development. When I subsequently selected the HTML5 slideshow object on the page and then in the properties inspector clicked on slides to re-open the extension dialog, made a small change and then clicked on OK this time the code for the lightbox seems to have been added and (I think) it works as planned. I say I think because I can't navigate between images whilst in lightbox.
When I do get this working as expected I will be re-doing the template as with all the messing around with code I seemed to have affected the CSS Navigation and I want to integrate a comments system on every page.
This I did but encountered initially another problem in that I didn't get the registration validation screen and so clicking on the lightbox icon in DW did nothing. Deleted the .mno file associated with this and for good measure deleted the winfilecache-xxxxx.dat file and restarted DW. This time I got the registration validation screen entered the serial number etc. and lightbox was available after another restart of DW.
I then tried to create the page again using a smaller number of images (there were 67 in the original batch) and had the same problem when adding the HTML5 Slideshow extension with lightbox.
I then took a video capture of the screen whilst I re-produced the problem and that file is currently uploading. I will send the link in the morning.
However there is a development. When I subsequently selected the HTML5 slideshow object on the page and then in the properties inspector clicked on slides to re-open the extension dialog, made a small change and then clicked on OK this time the code for the lightbox seems to have been added and (I think) it works as planned. I say I think because I can't navigate between images whilst in lightbox.
When I do get this working as expected I will be re-doing the template as with all the messing around with code I seemed to have affected the CSS Navigation and I want to integrate a comments system on every page.