DMXzone Bootswatch Support Product Page

Under investigation

install not working says it is invalid.

Reported 23 Sep 2014 20:55:25
has this problem
23 Sep 2014 20:55:25 Joanne KEELER posted:
Please help.

I just purchased the DMX Bootstrap bundle. I am trying to install the mxp extension into Dreamweaver and I get an error saying The extension package is invalid. The extension will not be installed. Help.


Replied 24 Sep 2014 07:07:13
24 Sep 2014 07:07:13 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Joanne,
Could you please explain which extension exactly gives you this error and what exactly the error message is?
Please try installing them through the DMXzone Extension Manager - no such errors appear there:

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