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Validation Preferences: Important!

Asked 25 Sep 2003 16:19:40
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25 Sep 2003 16:19:40 molly holzschlag posted:
Hi Everyone,

If you haven't set your validation preferences to XHTML 1.0 Transitional, your validation will toss some errors: You'll see references to XML syntax. The reason for this is that the default validator is validating the doc as HTML, not XHTML, and it's confused by the XML syntax.

Worry not. You can easily switch your validation preferences by following these steps:

Select Edit > Preferences
Under the Category list, highlight Validator (it's the last one on the list)
In the Validate Against column, check the XHTML 1.0 Transitional checkbox. You'll notice this will uncheck anything else that was checked.
Click OK

Now validate the file, and you'll see no errors.


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