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Set asp:DropDownList with Array Bind

Asked 08 Mar 2004 18:36:24
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08 Mar 2004 18:36:24 Armanda Turney posted:
The aspropDownList displays System.String & a box.

I have a database with product items.
One of the columns is a string for the choices for this product, as not all choices are the same.
In Classic ASP I could parse this string from the array created from the Database then populate a drop down box.

Trying to duplicate this procedure in makes the parsed string(ArrayList) unavalialable to datalist that displays rest of inforamtion. If I try to populate the datafiled outsite the datalist I receive system.string. Will not work in asp:repeater either.

Any suggestions?



Replied 08 Mar 2004 18:59:53
08 Mar 2004 18:59:53 Kevin Marshall replied:
You need to be more specific, what precicly are you trying to do and what precicly is the problem, I am not 100% sure what you are up to.

Kevin Marshall Ltd

ASP.NET Dreamweaver Extensions
Replied 08 Mar 2004 21:41:07
08 Mar 2004 21:41:07 Armanda Turney replied:

I will take this from the simplest compnent. What kind of code do I use to show the asp: dropdownlist? When I put a control on the page I get a system.string then a box in the drop down. I could not get it to work in a datalist or repeater. What am I missing?

Replied 09 Mar 2004 00:07:17
09 Mar 2004 00:07:17 Kevin Marshall replied:
Thats even more cryptic than the first question, I need more info such as how you are filling the dropdown, are you filling from an arraylist or DataSet and how does a datalist fit into the picture. its impossible to help with such limited information.

Kevin Marshall Ltd

ASP.NET Dreamweaver Extensions

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