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error message

Asked 04 Jun 2004 02:53:29
has this question
04 Jun 2004 02:53:29 Rod Snyder posted:
getting the following error message; any ideas?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e57'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.



Replied 04 Jun 2004 13:55:25
04 Jun 2004 13:55:25 Matt Machell replied:
Either too much data is being forced into a column, or the wrong type of data is being put into a column not suited for it. Check your columns and submitted form elements are matched correctly.

Alternatively your news items may be longer than the text available in the database field, alter the news_item field to be longer (it's currently set to 1000, which is okay for a small news item, but if your using it for something longer you'll need to make it bigger).


DMX Zone Premium Content Author

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