PHP Output Buffering

Output buffering is a powerful tool in PHP which allows you to buffer a script's output. You can then edit this buffer before returning it to the client.

This tutorial will procede first by enumerating the functions used in output buffering with a brief explanation of each. Then we will examine how these functions are utililized. We will conclude with three brief examples of scenerios where one might use output buffering. Without further ado then, we will procede to...

Chris Charlton

Chris CharltonChris, Los Angeles' CSS & ActionScript guru, successfully cannonballed into web development in the late 90's. Always caught up with the latest in Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and XML, Chris authored premium articles for the largest Dreamweaver/Flash community ( and produced WebDevDesign (iTunes featured), a popular Web Design & Development Podcast. Somewhere, Chris finds time to run an authorized Adobe user group focused around open source and Adobe technologies. Being a big community leader, Chris Charlton remains a resident faculty member of the Rich Media Insitute and lends himself to speak at large industry events, like JobStock, NAB, and FITC Hollywood.

Brain cycles from Chris are always Web Standards, Flash Platform, and accessibility.

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Zend's PHP Output Buffering article

May 26, 2005 by Chris Charlton

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