Smart Image Processor PHP 2 Manual
Smart Image Processor PHP 2 is DMXzone’s most powerful Image Resize, Enhancement and Manipulation extension that allows you to quickly and easily process multiple images, create thumbnails, use image options such as crop, flip, rotate, sharpen and blur, or create grayscale images. You can even brand your image by including a watermark or text.
Smart Image Processor PHP 2 is compatible with GD2 and ImageMagick! Most PHP servers already have GD2 or ImageMagick installed but our extension enables you to utilize the full power of those graphical components like never before! By empowering true image manipulation without any hand coding Smart Image Processor PHP 2 will change the way you enhance your images forever!
Applying the Smart Image Processor PHP 2 Extension – A basic resize
In this tutorial we're going to resize an
image that is uploaded with Pure PHP Upload 2 while maintaining the aspect
Start: Original image
Resized Image (Width 200, Height 200, Checked Keep
Aspect Ratio)
We also show what happens when you uncheck
the Aspect ratio:
Example: Resized Image (notice that the image is a
bit squeezed)
After that we show you how to crop an image
The area inside the red square represents
the cropped image; the total image above resembled the original image size.
We also show you how to combine the crop
and resize options.
We'll explain the process in a step by step
Resizing and cropping
- Create a new PHP page
Create a new or open an existing PHP file where the Pure PHP Upload Server
behavior and the Resize Uploaded Files server behaviors need to be applied
- First apply the Pure PHP Upload
Make sure you have a form with a File Upload Field and a Submit button.
1. From the Server Behaviors panel select DMXzone - Pure PHP Upload 2.
2. Browse to the folder where the images will need to be uploaded to.
3. Leave Go To After Uploading empty, since we are not done after this.
4. Click CTRL-S (Command S for Mac users) to save the file.
Pure PHP Upload 2 settings
- Go to the Smart Image Processor PHP 2 behavior panel
You will find the Smart Image Processor PHP 2 panel under Server
Behaviors. Click on the + sign, DMXzone, Smart Image
Processor PHP 2.
This will Open
the Smart Image Processor PHP 2 Panel.
- Set the General Options
The name field is created by default to
identify the Server Behavior, we don't change the name as we don't need
to. The server component select box is set to Auto Detect by default, you
should only change this if you want to use a specific component. Check the
Absolute Path if the server does not support parent paths. We leave the
setting on Auto Detect and set the
Path to Relative. Make sure that the Name starts with a $ to comply to PHP naming conventions.
- Define the Source Options
Select the Pure PHP Upload 2 option for
uploading files with Pure PHP Upload 2 that need to be resized. You can
apply the resize action to all file fields field by choosing the ***
All Files option. In our case there is only one upload field so we
leave the dropdown at file. You can also choose a Recordset, Folder
or Single file as a source to resize your images from. We'll get back to
these options later.
- Setting the Action options - Resize
To resize an image, select the Resize option
and enter the desired Width and Height of the resized image. Select the keep aspect ratio option to
maintain the dimensions of the image when resizing.
- Set your Destination options, save and
upload the files
Check select the Overwrite option if
you only want to save the resized image or check the Create New option and enter the changes that need to be made to the path, filename or
file extension.
The image can be saved as a jpeg, gif or png. To apply the Smart Image
Processor PHP 2 behavior click OK. You will need to save the file in your
site. Press F12 tot test the result in your browser
- Setting the Action options - Crop
To crop an image, open the Smart Image Processor PHP 2 server behavior
again, select the crop option and enter the desired Width and Height of the cropped image. Select the Position option to determine the
location to crop from.
- Set your Destination options, save and
upload the files
Check select the Overwrite option if
you only want to save the resized image or check the Create New option and enter the changes that need to be made to the path, filename or
file extension.
##path## is the path of the original file, ##name## is the filename
without the extension, you can add ##filename## for the complete filename.
Here are a few examples:
If your original file is "c:\images\dmxzone.jpg" and you want the filename
and you to set the file to "c:\images\thumb_dmxzone.jpg" (or
/home/user/www/images/thumb_dmxzone.jpg for Linux) enter ##path##thumb_##filename##
in the Create new field.
If you want to create a suffix like "c:\images\dmxzone_small.jpg" (or
/home/user/www/images/dmxzone_small.jpg for Linux) enter
##path####name##_small.jpg in the Create new field.
If you want to create a new folder "c:\images\thumbs\dmxzone.jpg" (or
/home/user/www/images/thumbs/dmxzone.jpg for Linux) enter
##path##thumbs\##filename## in the Create new field.
The image can be saved as a jpeg, gif or png. To
apply the Smart Image Processor PHP 2 behavior click OK. You will need to
save the file in your site. Press F12 tot test the result in your browser
- Setting the Action options - Combing the Resize and Crop options
You can also resize an image and the crop it.
For instance if you have an image from 400 by 300 and you want to create a
square image of 200 by 200 that isn't squeezed.
- Set your Destination options, save and
upload the files
Check select the Overwrite option if
you only want to save the resized image or check the Create New option and enter the changes that need to be made to the path, filename or
file extension.
The image can be saved as a jpeg, gif or png. To apply the Smart Image
Processor PHP 2 behavior click OK. You will need to save the file in your
site. Press F12 tot test the result in your browser
- Setting the Action options - Image Manipulation Options
Rotate, flip, sharpen or blur the image if you
like too, the options speak for themselves. You can also create black and
white images by checking the grayscale options.
- Set your Destination options, save and
upload the files
Check select the Overwrite option if
you only want to save the resized image or check the Create New option and enter the changes that need to be made to the path, filename or
file extension.
The image can be saved as a jpeg, gif or png. To apply the Smart Image
Processor PHP 2 behavior click OK. You will need to save the file in your
site. Press F12 tot test the result in your browser