Build Master/Detail page in ColdFusion

Build a dynamic Master/Detail Page in ColdFusion. Tutorial assumes no prior knowledge of ColdFusion. Happy programming!


<cfquery name="rsMaster" datasource="udnewbie">
SELECT CatID, CatTitle
FROM tblCat

<cfoutput query="rsMaster">
<a href="Details.cfm?CatID=#rsMaster.CatID#">#rsMaster.CatTitle#</a><br>


<cfquery name="rsDetails" datasource="udnewbie">
SELECT SubCatID, SubCatTitle, CatID
FROM tblSubCat

<cfoutput query="rsDetails">

lol, believe me now o)
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Omar Elbaga

Starting out as a fine artist, Omar Elbaga gradually moved to computer graphic arts. He was particularly amazed by the power of the World Wide Web, so he embarked upon building small-scale sites for fun utilizing HTML and his Art background. Falling in love with designing web pages and its potential, he began a career in web design. Omar has since been in the web development field for several years. With his head in computer books nearly 24 hours a day, Omar moved on to enhance his skills from web design to web programming.

Most of his work involves building database-driven web sites for small companies. Omar is currently running a popular Dreamweaver MX resource site named

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