DMXzone Tabs Manual

Organize your content in tabs with amazing effects and styles

You want to organize your content in the best possible way? Now, you can do that with DMXzone Tabs, the extension that gives you the opportunity to divide and style your content into as many sections as needed directly and visually in Dreamweaver! In this article you will learn all you need to know on how to work with the DMXzone tabs, explained in detailed tutorials and videos.

Advanced: Controlling DMXzone Tabs with Dreamweaver Behaviors

In this tutorial we will show you how to use Dreamweaver Behaviors in order to control DMXzone Tabs.

*You can also check out the video.

How to do it

  1. We've already added DMXzone Tabs on our page and now we'll insert a text link in the first Tab that will open Tab 5 when clicked. Mark your text and enter # in the link field.

  1. To open the Control DMXzone Tabs window (1) first click the Tag Inspector button (2), then the Add Behavior button (3), select the DMXzone menu item (4) and the Control DMXzone Tabs menu item (5).

  1. Now we're going to bind a behavior to the link. Select the ID (1) of the DMXzone Tabs that you want to control, choose an Action (2), in our case it is Go To Tab. Enter the tab number (3). Use 0 for the first tab, 1 for the second, 2 for the third, etc.... When you're done click the OK button (4).
    * Note that these Behaviors can be attached to any HTML element anywhere on your page.


  1. Now, you can save your work and preview the result in the browser.

  1.  That's how you can use Dreamweaver Behaviors in order to control DMXzone Tabs.

Daniela Vaseva

Daniela VasevaDaniela is writing tutorials, news, newsletters, and update emails for the DMXzone specialising in the sphere of electronic processing, analysis and publication of texts, and interested in the development of new Internet technologies and problems related to the cyberculture and net literature. She has a bachelor's degree in Bulgarian philology, and a master's degree in computational linguistics.

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