An Introduction to Modernizr for Designers

Modernizr - a JavaScript library

It’s rare nowadays to find a web designer who can’t code his own designs. With so many resources online and in print that teach the basics of HTML and CSS, and due to the fact that these languages aren’t rocket science, there are now a lot of graphic designers who have at least basic knowledge of markup and styling. But with an HTML and CSS foundation comes great responsibility. If an HTML or CSS feature doesn’t work in certain browsers, we need to ensure that we offer those browsers a secondary or fallback experience.


So in this article Louis Lazaris is going to introduce a way to ensure that you’re designs are able to take advantage of new HTML and CSS features using the Modernizr JavaScript library and API. For most developers this is probably pretty easy stuff, so he's writing this specifically for non-programmers and designers who have just recently started to learn HTML and CSS.


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