15 Great HTML5 and CSS3 Generators

Generators - easy and helpful tool for every designer

HTML5 and CSS3 are great languages to start off learning with, and Dain Miller has always thought that one of the best ways to start learning is to just dive in and manipulate the code. As you could probably tell, this is where generators step in. They are a great way to generate some code, play with it, and learn. Not only that, they are incredibly useful because often times as a developer or designer he finds he is doing things over and over again.


There is a somewhat negative connotation when it comes to CSS3 Generators, and Dain Miller has to say that as a designer and developer there is nothing negative about using one. It is a huge time-saver, and in all honesty he knows three developers that wrote their own generators just because they wanted to help the community. So keep in mind it isn’t like you are using something taboo made by AOL; these are very natural and organic generators that have come about as we have needed them.


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