Responsive & Touch-Friendly Audio Player

Make a lightweight audio player to play a single audio file

The <audio> elements have events, methods and properties, which means it can be manipulated using JavaScript. Experimenting is nice, but all of this would be worthless without practical use. Despite the fact that video is the most popular type of media on the Internet, there are also situations when audio is important or even the major content, think podcasts or websites of musicians.


Wouldn’t it be nice if our clients could check their uploads by listening to them on their laptop or tablet? That’s why Osvaldas Valutis has built a jQuery plugin for a responsive and touch-friendly audio player. jQuery users, who are the majority among all of the JavaScript framework users, will be glad to add it to their jQuery library. The jQuery plugin itself would be pretty much useless without the respective CSS which is responsible for the looks. The plugin replaces targeted <audio> elements with some HTML and JavaScript events attached to it.


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