DMXzone DropZone Add-on Manual Support

Easily upload files with drag and drop

Imagine just being able to simply drag files from your desktop and drop them in your browser. This can be easily done with DMXzone DropZone Add-on for HTML5 File Upload. Uploading one or more files at the same time, it's up to you. You can even monitor their upload progress with individual counters and beautiful progress bars. 

DMXzone DropZone offers full client side image preview and you can even add your own custom messages because the extension speaks the website's native language. Choose the file types, which your users are allowed to upload on your website and limit the maximum allowed file size with just a few clicks.

You need extra data? It's super easy to set additional data to be send to the server along with the uploaded files.

You need to have HTML5 File Upload and DMXzone Server Connect installed in order to use this extension

This extension requires HTML5 File Upload and DMXzone Server Connect
- OR -


Amazing designs and usability

Allow multiple file upload

You can restrict it to a single file upload or you can allow multiple file uploads. It's all up to you!

Visual upload list

Monitor the progress for different files if you're uploading more than one at the same time. You can choose the files to be uploaded simultaneously or one after another.

Client side image preview

When your file of choice is an image you get a chance to see a live preview of it. This way you can decide which image to keep and which to remove from the list.

Empower Drag & Drop file upload

Allow your users to simply drag their files from the desktop and drop them in the browser for the fastest and easiest upload. This feature is supported from all major and up-to-date browsers.

Amazing client side validation

The extension offers Ajax validation of the uploaded files.


Remove files easily before upload

You can add a remove button so even if you upload unnecessary files you can delete the ones you don't need. Below you can see how the remove buttons look like in the default and Bootstrap themes.

Default theme

Bootstrap theme

Scalable dropzone box

You can easily set the size of the dropzone box so it fits the space on your website. If you set it to 100% it will fit the entire container, but you can also set its size in pixels.

Custom translations

Add your own custom messages for the different events. The extension lets you speak the website's native language. Below you can see how the custom messages look like in the default and the Bootstrap themes.

Default theme

Bootstrap theme

File type restriction

Choose the file types, which your users are allowed to upload on your website. Even if they try to upload restricted file types the upload will not continue and they will be notified.

File size restriction

This option allows you to enter the maximum allowed file size in MB. This way you can prevent the upload of large files to your server.


Add extra data

You can set additional data to be send to the server along with the uploaded files. It can be easily done, thanks to the great integration with HTML5 Data Bindings.

Full support for DMXzone Behavior connector

You can choose any of the available events to be triggered from the extension.

Great integration with HTML5 File Upload and DMXzone Server Connect

The DMXzone DropZone is an essential part of the HTML5 File Upload and works like a charm, when combined together.

Great integration with DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer

You can use DMXzone DropZone together with Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer and create stunning online forms.


Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS5.5, Dreamweaver CS6, Dreamweaver CC+

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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