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Circle Navigation Effect with CSS3

Today we want to show you how to create a beautiful hover effect for an image navigation using CSS3. The idea is to expand a circular navigation with an arrow and make a bubble with a thumbnail appear. In our example we will be showing the thumbnail of the next and previous slider image on hovering the arrows. The effect is done with CSS3 transitions.

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Designers Know Your Code: Web Design Tutorials

As almost any web designer worth their salt, and a large percentage of web developers will tell you, to be fully considered a web designer you have to have some background in code. Not to the depth that full on developers must, but it really is unfair to the rest of those working on a website with us if we do not have some knowledge in a handful of key areas. Which is where these web design tutorials come in.

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Google Panda: 5 tips You Should Know

It’s here. It’s inevitable. It’s called Google Panda, the latest Google’s search algorithm which aims to promote the high quality content site by dooming the rank of low quality content sites. Since its release and updates, many sites have been shown to be terribly affected by the algorithm, but the worst rumor here is, they can do almost nothing to recover the ranking and traffic.

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Common HTML Tag Misuses

View the source code of a hand full of websites featured in CSS galleries today and you’ll often see the same errors appear time and time again. These mistakes are usually habits we picked up during our early days of coding that have stuck around due to lack of clarification. This post rounds up a collection of common HTML tag and element misuses and describes the best practice to correctly and semantically use them in your markup.

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7 New Techniques Every Web Developer Should Know

Web developers always have to update their knowledges and learn new technologies if they want to stay tuned with today’s coding. Today, I’m going to show you 7 recent web development techniques that you should definitely learn, or improve if you already know them.

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Graphics in Photoshop: 6 Beginner Tips for Web Designers

Graphic design and web design are two distinct visual fields that have different requirements, best practices and methodologies. Photoshop is an industry-standard tool used by both graphic designers and web designers. What follows are some simple tips to follow as you create graphics meant for use on websites.

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Mastering HTML5 Prefetching

Among other great features, HTML5 introduces prefetching, the art of loading pages before the user requested them. In this article, I’m going to discuss this new technique as well as showing you some ready to use examples to drastically improve your website loading time.

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The Guide To CSS Animation

With CSS animation now supported in both Firefox and Webkit browsers, there is no better time to give it a try. Regardless of its technical form, whether traditional, computer-generated 3-D, Flash or CSS, animation always follows the same basic principles. In this article, we will take our first steps with CSS animation and consider the main guidelines for creating animation with CSS.

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30 Useful and Hilarious Lorem Ipsum Generators

We’re going to briefly discuss why lorem ipsum and its brethren still have legitimate uses and then we’ll have some fun as we check out thirty great dummy content generators that you’ll definitely want to bookmark.

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Create “Cool” Typography Using Paths in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create some "cool" custom typography. Let’s get started!

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