Pure ASP Upload 3 Support Product Page

Upload Error (11) PureUpload requires ADO 2.5 or greater.

Reported 13 Nov 2023 13:01:26
has this problem
13 Nov 2023 13:01:26 Jon Donkin posted:

We have an old public facing ecommerce server, it has been working for many years fairly self-contained, but the person who built this is no longer with us.

We have recently had to upgrade this server to Windows2022.

Only one thing on this server seems to have stopped working and it is the daily upload of the shipping data into the server (ETAs, tracking numbers and order status).

Normally we point to the upload file and click the button and after a delay the data is uploaded and customers can see their updated order status and tracking numbers.

However, since the Server upgrade this just does not work anymore, all we get is "Upload Error (11) PureUpload requires ADO 2.5 or greater" error message.

We have since been manually providing customers with updates (but we really want this working in the website again).

One of the system people have taken a look and said that they had checked the file incPU3Class.asp and can see a version check in there (some pages said that area had a potential workaround so we tried it), it is looking for <25 = fail and the value it is testing is "10" when we check it.

We did try the workaround, it got further but gave an error (like the field names in the .TXT file uploaded were incorrect).

incPU3Class.asp is currently ' Version: 3.0.13'.

Is there anything we can do to try and get around this? Is there an update I can install and if so where to I obtain that?

Many thanks


Replied 17 Nov 2023 07:05:11
17 Nov 2023 07:05:11 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please check:

You just need to update the extension to the latest version and reapply it on the page, so that the new file can be generated. Then upload it to the server.

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