Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page


CSS Styles menu is blank

Reported 13 Nov 2012 00:48:41
has this problem
13 Nov 2012 00:48:41 chris chomick posted:
I am having a problem with the CSS styles menu in the Editor, it does not display. It worked in the beginning for a while but no longer gives me a option. I have deleted/reinstalled multiple times without success.

I can change the css in the source view but this is not what I want my client to do. I have tested this in various browsers and have the same problem.

Here is my test page [ USER: guest2012 PASS: demo2012 ] :

I hope you can help me with this--I am using Page Editor with AdvHTLML Editor3 it is a great extension which I have promoted to my client so they can easily update their website. now I am having problems and am very frustrated and concerned.
Thank you!
(PS. I had to revert to the previous version of Online Editor, it caused the pencil to stay visible at all times--works now).


Replied 12 Nov 2012 19:31:30
12 Nov 2012 19:31:30 chris chomick replied:
I am having a problem with the Online Page Editor. It worked for a while then I did the recent upgrade of both AdvHTML Editor3 and Online Page Editor which caused the pencil to stay visible. I reverted to the previous versions which solved the pencil problem.

Now I cannot get the CSS style dropdown menu to show in the editor window which worked before. I can change the css in the source view but this is not what I want my client to do. I have tested this in various browsers and have the same problem (not surprising IE is the most problematic).

Here is my test page [ USER: guest2012 PASS: demo2012 ] :

I hope you can help me with this--it is a great extension which I have promoted to my client so they can easily update their website, now I am having problems and am very frustrated and concerned.
Thank you!
Replied 13 Nov 2012 08:30:59
13 Nov 2012 08:30:59 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Chris.

Seems like the issue is caused because your working directory is triple rooted.

Please find the following line of code:
"includeCss": "../editpagestyle.css"

and edit it that way:
"includeCss": "testarea/htmledit/editpagestyle.css"

Replied 13 Nov 2012 15:08:31
13 Nov 2012 15:08:31 chris chomick replied:
I greatly appreciate your quick response, Vulcho!

It worked after a slight adjustment:
added "/" before "testarea"

"includeCss": "/testarea/htmledit/editpagestyle.css"  


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