DMXzone Tabs Support Product Page

Filter HTML5 data source depending on the tab is clicked

Asked 02 Feb 2014 22:34:03
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02 Feb 2014 22:34:03 Nikolaos Beligiannis posted:
Hi. I just want to filter my HTML5 data by clicking each one of the tabs or even better assign values to each tab so it filters the HTML5 data source onclck. Thank you.


Replied 03 Feb 2014 11:30:27
03 Feb 2014 11:30:27 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Nikolaos,

You can achieve this following these steps:
1. Under Filters tab select the column you want to filter by, select the condition and select URL Variable
2. Add any name to the url variable and leave the default value empty
3. Select your tab, select behaviors, select Control HTML5 Data Bindings and select Refresh Data
4. Where you see your variable: {{some.value}}, replace the whole {{some.value}} with the word you need, so it becomes: variable: filter word
5. Do this for each of your tabs

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