HTML5 Data Bindings Support Product Page

Missing binding values from Data Bindings panel

Reported 17 Jul 2015 09:29:37
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17 Jul 2015 09:29:37 Windy City posted:
I've also noticed that my icon for the +[data] twirl-down in the Data Bindings control panel has lost the bindings contained within it. I've tried reloading the query in the extension, but it won't restore them. Other data sources on the page work fine and have populated data bindings listed as normal.

Is there a way I can force a rebuild to get my list of binding to re-appear, in case any dependent scripts are missing maybe?


Replied 20 Jul 2015 09:41:16
20 Jul 2015 09:41:16 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
could you please explain a little more detailed what exactly is missing and where is it missing from? Your explanation is a little confusing.

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