DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page

bootstrap.css Implementation

Asked 02 Apr 2014 23:13:52
has this question
02 Apr 2014 23:13:52 Mr. em posted:
bootstrap.css Implementation
I Guess everybody already figure this out but me, I wanted to ask about bootstrap.css
When I create a page base on bootstrap 3 and I see in the generated code div’s that looks like that
<div class="col-lg-3”> or <div class="row">, some of this div’s I need to change their properties such as padding, or spacing, I tried editing the div inside bostrap.css but I was getting a message that I cannot edit the file.
How do you suggest I should edit the properties of these div’s
1. by actually opening the bootstrap.css in notepad forcing the change, or
2. adding my own css file to the page and adding a class to the exciting div like <div class="col-lg-3 left-banner”>
Is any of the option above can cause the page to be destroyed and not be recognized by BootTrap3?

Your advice please


Replied 03 Apr 2014 08:39:37
03 Apr 2014 08:39:37 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
bootstrap.css is locked and cannot be edited through DW.
The only way we recommend to style your page elements is to create a new css file that contains your new styles and include it after the bootstrap.css.

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