DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page
Updated DW to 2015 load a file it wants to install about 10 extensions
Asked 24 Aug 2015 21:16:48
has this question
24 Aug 2015 21:16:48 Captain Bob Grant posted:

Replied 24 Aug 2015 23:40:37
24 Aug 2015 23:40:37 Captain Bob Grant replied:
ok I have the extensions working after un-install/re-install of the extension manager but I still have opening DW 2015 and a file where about 8 extensions want to go through S/N verification.
Replied 24 Aug 2015 23:40:38
24 Aug 2015 23:40:38 Captain Bob Grant replied:
ok I have the extensions working after un-install/re-install of the extension manager but I still have opening DW 2015 and a file where about 8 extensions want to go through S/N verification.
Replied 25 Aug 2015 07:09:41
25 Aug 2015 07:09:41 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please do not use the Adobe Extension Manager, as it is full of bugs.
Use the DMXzone Extension Manager in order to install your extensions:
Please do not use the Adobe Extension Manager, as it is full of bugs.
Use the DMXzone Extension Manager in order to install your extensions:
Replied 25 Aug 2015 18:58:31
25 Aug 2015 18:58:31 Captain Bob Grant replied:
Thanks Theodore - you might consider an announcement or Blog because a lot of people use the Adobe Manager and must be really frustrated.
My problem is not the extension manager.
When I open DW 2015 and then open a file to work on i.e. web page, I get the following popup. As you can see I cannot insert the s/n [previous version would auto populate], nothing. I have no choice but to cancel this one and then the next extension shows. I have to do this about 8 times before I can actually start work on the file.
fyi: I need support on the Nivo 3 so when you get chance please have a look there. Everything is installed on the Server but no slideshow.
My problem is not the extension manager.
When I open DW 2015 and then open a file to work on i.e. web page, I get the following popup. As you can see I cannot insert the s/n [previous version would auto populate], nothing. I have no choice but to cancel this one and then the next extension shows. I have to do this about 8 times before I can actually start work on the file.
fyi: I need support on the Nivo 3 so when you get chance please have a look there. Everything is installed on the Server but no slideshow.
Replied 25 Aug 2015 20:03:29
25 Aug 2015 20:03:29 George Petrov replied:
Hi Robert,
We have huge amount of blog posts about the DMXzone Extension Manager and Adobe discontinuing their own...
As for your problem - just when you open DMXzone Extension Manager and see the list of all install extension - press on the Reinstall All button so that all will be clearly installed.
That should solve your problem.
We have huge amount of blog posts about the DMXzone Extension Manager and Adobe discontinuing their own...
As for your problem - just when you open DMXzone Extension Manager and see the list of all install extension - press on the Reinstall All button so that all will be clearly installed.
That should solve your problem.
Replied 26 Aug 2015 04:26:05
26 Aug 2015 04:26:05 Captain Bob Grant replied:
Hi George,
Thanks. Although this was one of the first things [update all at the same time] I did last week I've been doing them individually for quite some time since.
Good news is that doing the All at one time today so far has fixed the situation.
I did get a few error messages about not being 64bit compatible.
I did shut DW down and up quite a few times during this process and each time it got better till I had one error message on the Universal Form Validator. So I removed that from the manager and now I'm clean on startup of DW 2015.
I'll check out the Blogs and probably subscribe to keep up with things. I have a lot of your extensions that we use.
Thanks. Although this was one of the first things [update all at the same time] I did last week I've been doing them individually for quite some time since.
Good news is that doing the All at one time today so far has fixed the situation.
I did get a few error messages about not being 64bit compatible.
I did shut DW down and up quite a few times during this process and each time it got better till I had one error message on the Universal Form Validator. So I removed that from the manager and now I'm clean on startup of DW 2015.
I'll check out the Blogs and probably subscribe to keep up with things. I have a lot of your extensions that we use.