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Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 Databases

Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 Databases has been written by experienced .NET authors Damien Foggon and Dan Maharry. Using a well understood and appreciated format of displaying core theory, a step-by-step example, and then a clear explanation, the authors take you through working with databases in ASP.NET.

To find out more about this book (available in August 2004), read the sample chapter here.


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Web Standards Solutions, The Markup and Style Handbook

Web Standards Solutions, The Markup and Style Handbook is a neat little book by Dan Cederholm (of SimpleBits fame) and makes a good addition to the burgeoning friends of Ed catalogue. 

The book is divided into two parts; firstly nine chapters on markup then secondly, six chapters covering CSS related matters with a final chapter on resources.

To quote the author "Each chapter answers a specific question, oftentimes presenting multiple methods to achieve the same results. We'll look closely at each method, noting the good and bad of each."

You can read a sample chapter here.

Web Standards Solutions The Markup and Style Handbook

Part One: Get Down with Markup

  • Chapter 1: Lists
  • Chapter 2: Headings
  • Chapter 3: Tables are Evil?
  • Chapter 4: Quotations
  • Chapter 5: Forms
  • Chapter 6: <strong>, <em>, and other phrase Elements
  • Chapter 7: Anchors
  • Chapter 8: More Lists
  • Chapter 9: Minimizing Markup

Part Two: Simplebits of Style

  • Chapter 10: Applying CSS
  • Chapter 11: Print Styles
  • Chapter 12: CSS Layouts
  • Chapter 13: Styling Text
  • Chapter 14: Image Replacement
  • Chapter 15: Styling
  • Chapter 16: Next Steps
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Cascading Style Sheets: Separating Content from Presentation, Second Edition

CSS is one of the trio of core client-side web professional skills: HTML for markup, JavaScript for dynamism, and CSS for style. All web professionals who want to take their page design to the next level, with all the advantages that CSS brings, will need this book.

This book is a focused guide to using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for the visual design of web pages. It provides concise coverage of all the essential CSS concepts that developers need to learn (such as separating content from presentation, block and inline elements, inheritance and cascade, the box model, typography, etc.). It also covers the syntax needed to effectively use CSS with your markup document (for example CSS rules, how to structure a style sheet, linking style sheets to your (X)HTML documents, CSS boxes etc).

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Studio MX 2004

Web Design With Macromedia Studio MX 2004

Web Design with Macromedia Studio MX 2004 provides beginning designers with a step-by-step process for creating a Web site with the new Macromedia Studio MX 2004. Structured around a good Web development cycle of plan, design, build, test, and maintain, the book starts by planning the site and creating a wire frame with FreeHand MX, along with vector graphics for use in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Fireworks MX 2004. From there it moves to Flash, where the designer learns how to create dynamic content for use on the Web. Next, Fireworks is used to manipulate graphics and create Web page designs. Then the content is brought into Dreamweaver MX 2004 and the site launched. Throughout the book, the focus is not only on how to use each tool, but how to use them together to create a seamless workflow.

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Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Web Application Recipes

Your one stop resource for learning to develop valuable web applications for personal, intranet, and workgroup deployment. Dreamweaver Web Application Recipes teaches the Dreamweaver user how to develop applications that can make their static pages come to life using either ASP or ColdFusion.

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ASP.NET Web Development with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004

This concise, no-nonsense book teaches you how to develop accessible, standards-compliant ASP.NET-driven web sites with the latest technologies: ASP.NET and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. Real-world tutorials will help you achieve results quickly as you plunge into the text.

You'll learn the fundamental concepts of the .NET Framework, then quickly move on to the workings of ASP.NET within the Framework. You will explore databases and the SQL language, in preparation for handling ASP.NET databound controls. Next, you’ll explore the core role that XML, and XML web services play in .NET. Finally, you’ll learn about Dreamweaver's extensibility and coding efficiency features—two of the most important aspects of developing with Dreamweaver.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Introducing Dreamweaver
Chapter 2 Web Standards in Dreamweaver
Chapter 3 Introducing ASP.NET
Chapter 4 ASP.NET Features and Syntax
Chapter 5 Introducing .NET and Databases
Chapter 6 Data Applications
Chapter 7 Working with XML in ASP.NET
Chapter 8 Reusing Code in Dreamweaver and ASP.NET
Chapter 9 Extending Dreamweaver MX
Chapter 10 Debugging and Error Handling
Chapter 11 Case Study

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Razzle Dazzle

Learn super-cool techniques for creating striking graphic images with Fireworks!

Razzle Dazzle is a no-hand-holding, straight-up recipe book for some of the dazzling visual effects you can achieve in Fireworks. You already have the program's Help Files for learning to operate the software; this kit teaches you specific techniques with Fireworks to allow you to achieve your artistic goals.

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Web Development

Defensive design for the Web

Let's admit it: Things will go wrong online. No matter how carefully you design a site, no matter how much testing you do, customers still encounter problems. So how do you handle these inevitable breakdowns? With defensive design. In this book, the experts at 37signals (whose clients include Microsoft, Qwest, Monster.com, and Clear Channel) will show you how.

Defensive design is like defensive driving brought to the Web. The same way drivers must always be on the lookout for slick roads, reckless drivers, and other dangerous scenarios, site builders must constantly search for trouble spots that cause visitors confusion and frustration. Good site defense can make or break the customer experience.

In these pages, you'll see hundreds of real-world examples from companies like Amazon, Google, and Yahoo that show the right (and wrong) ways to get defensive. You'll learn 40 guidelines to prevent errors and rescue customers if a breakdown occurs. You'll also explore how to evaluate your own site's defensive design and improve it over the long term.

This book is a must read for designers, programmers, copywriters, and any other site decision-makers who want to increase usability and customer satisfaction.

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Foundation Dreamweaver MX 2004

Dreamweaver MX 2004 is the latest version of Macromedia’s world-class visual web-authoring tool, which includes powerful yet easy-to-use database integration. Unlike many other books, Foundation Dreamweaver MX 2004 focuses on both sides of coin – no matter what your background, this book will give you a solid foundation in graphic design and layout issues as well as full training in the powerful server-side and database integration features that Dreamweaver offers. The truth is that in today's climate database integration is no more of an extra than faultless visual design, and this book is here to guide you through this new world, covering dynamic scripting with PHP and the popular MySQL database. This book covers:

  • Site design and layout principles
  • Using templates and Cascading Style Sheets to create advanced site designs
  • Adding interactivity to pages with PHP script
  • Setting up PHP and MySQL to create powerful dynamic database-driven applications
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    Foundation Flash MX 2004

    Foundation Flash MX 2004

    If you've never used Flash before and you’re looking for a book that will give you a rock solid grounding in Flash MX 2004, then this is the title for you. This book uses a series of structured exercises to give you the broad, solid foundation knowledge you need to start your exploration of Flash from scratch. Foundation Flash MX 2004 uses a proven sequential, detailed, and accessible tutorial style to ensure that you'll retain your learning and be able to draw on it throughout your Flash career.

    Macromedia Flash MX 2004 is an exciting product, providing rich creative opportunities for Flash designers and developers at all levels of ability and experience. No single book can hope to provide adequate coverage of all aspects of Flash MX 2004, which is why this book focuses relentlessly on the core skills that you need to get you started: understanding the interface; familiarizing yourself with the creative tools and their capabilities; grasping the relationships between the different components that make up a Flash movie; getting insight into how to put all the pieces together and hook them up with ActionScript. All these aspects (and much more) are covered in detailed tutorials and exercises, reinforced with a case study that runs throughout the book to apply everything in a real-world context.

    Covers both Flash MX 2004 and Flash MX Professional 2004!
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