From the Ground Up: How to Build Online Revenue part 3

In the previous article, I reported that U.S. citizens spent $1.8 billion for online content in 2004. and that an average of only 31.4% of Internet users surf the computer on a daily basis. If the two statistics are combined, it appears that only a few folks in America hold the cash and that a Web site owner only has a few minutes each day to capture their attention and/or money. This week I’ll compare these statistics to illustrate how a company can use bias to make claims that alter marketing strategies. In addition, I’ll continue with an examination of Paul Stamet’s Web site to determine how a small company can use this material to absorb a niche market.

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Build Content and Commerce on What You Know, Part III

"Experience is a critical concept to understand, particularly in a crowded environment where media constantly compete for consumers' attention. It goes beyond providing content that gets good user satisfaction ratings, to involving and engaging users' minds and emotions. Properly implemented, it can elevate a product from something that satisfies a basic need to something that compels repeat usage and loyalty."

Michael Zimbalist, president of the Online Publishers Association (OPA), made the above comments for a press release on 1 June 2005, and his words accompanied statistical data that showed how sixty-five U.S. Internet users defined their online experiences:

Top Internet Drivers from OPA


Linda Goin

Linda GoinLinda Goin carries an A.A. in graphic design, a B.F.A. in visual communications with a minor in business and marketing and an M.A. in American History with a minor in the Reformation. While the latter degree doesn't seem to fit with the first two educational experiences, Linda used her 25-year design expertise on archaeological digs and in the study of material culture. Now she uses her education and experiences in social media experiments.

Accolades for her work include fifteen first-place Colorado Press Association awards, numerous fine art and graphic design awards, and interviews about content development with The Wall St. Journal, Chicago Tribune, Psychology Today, and L.A. Times.

See All Postings From Linda Goin >>


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