Setting up an Automated Import/Export in SQL Server 2000
Select the Database to Import to / Export from, Right click the database and select … All Tasks …Import Data or Export Data

Enter the name of the SQL server to copy the data from (if it is the machine you are working on you can leave this as (local).
Select Use SQL server Authentication, then enter your login details.
Then Select the Database that you wish to copy from.

Select the SQL server you wish to copy to.
Enter the SQL Server authentication details, and then select the Database you are copying to.

Select to Copy Objects and data, and then select the tables you wish to copy across.

Click Options
Untick Copy database users and database roles
Click Select Objects
And select the tables you wish to Import/export

Select the Schedule DTS package for later execution, select the
on the right hand side to enter the schedule.

Give the DTS package a name, and ensure the Server name is set to the local SQL server and enter the SA user details for SQL server authentication

Check the details are all correct and select Finish to save this package.