3D ImageFlow Gallery for Flash Basic Instructions

Dazzle your viewers with 3D photo navigation. Create an amazing gallery with cool  perspective effects in seconds and give your photos stunning 3d and camera effects.  The component is fully ActionScript 2 compatible.

Make sure to take a look at the complete ActionScript 2 reference as well.

Building the Gallery

  1. Create a new Flash document
    Create a new or open an existing Flash file (Action Script 2) and save the movie. We change the background color of our page to black, change the Background in the Property inspector.

  2. Applying the component
    Double click or drag the ImageGallery3D component from the Components window to your stage:


  3. Adding the images and their properties
    Go to the Commands menu and select Edit 3D ImageFlow Gallery XML to set the images and their properties in the XML. Normally you need to hand code such an XML file.

    Note: Your XML file is saved in the same folder as the Flash movie, its name is displayed in the properties inspector, the default name is gallery1.xml.

    A new popup appears:

    Select the icon to add a complete folder of images or theicon to insert the images one by one. We'll add 10 images. You can arrange the order of your images with the  and  buttons and delete images from the gallery with the  button. The W: and H: display the Width and Height of the image plane, make sure to press the  to update the values. Make sure the images are in a sub folder of the Flash movie.

    If you use images from another folder the extension will copy them for you to a sub folder of the Flash movie, make sure to press OK, select a subfolder of the Flash movie and press OK again.

    We add a description to the image by selecting it and entering a text in the Description field.

    Add links to your images using the Link field. Users need to double click on your image to open the link. And select the Link Target, to choose the target window. We won't add any links.

  1. Final Steps
    Press OK, save and test your movie.


AS 3 version

September 11, 2008 by Pradeep Sharma

Do you have at  compoent for flash with Actionscript 3 APIs

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