DMXzone Server Connect Manual

Learn how to use DMXzone Server Connect

It is super easy to work with our DMXzone Server Connect if you follow the tutorials in this article. We provided step by step guidance on how to access the extension in Dreamweaver, how to insert/delete/update and do a multiple update of records, and many more. We covered everything from basic to advanced usage of this tool in conjunction with other DMXzone extensions such as HTML5 Data Bindings, DMXzone Database Connector and DMXzone Database Updater. 

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Advanced: Update Database Records

In this tutorial we will show you how update database records, using DMXzone Server Connect. In order to do that you'll also need HTML5 Data Bindings, DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP extensions.

*You can also check out the video.

How to do it

1.On this page we inserted a repeat region that lists our products. There is also a simple button, inside the repeat region. We will use this button to select the record that we want to update. First, we need to setup a detail region, where the update form will be placed. We select the div container on our page (1), where we plan to insert the form. In the HTML5 Data Bindings panel (2), we select the repeating element of our data source (3) and from the bind To menu (4) we select div data detail (5). This turns our div container into a detail region  for our repeat region.

2.Click the bind button in order to apply this.

3.Now, click inside the detail region (1) that you've just created. From the insert menu (2), open the form sub menu (3), and click form (4).

4.Let's add a hidden field inside the form. From the insert menu (1), open the form sub menu (2), and click hidden field (3).

5.We change the default name of this hidden field to product ID (1). We will use this hidden field in order to filter the records for the update action. Then, with the hidden field still selected, we click the product ID binding from our data source (2). We bind (4) this to the (3).

6.Now, let's add the rest of the form fields that we will use in order to update the products info. Click inside the form (1) and open the insert menu (2). Under the form sub menu (3), select text (4). This adds a text field inside the detail region.

7.We change its name to product name (1). We will use this field to display and update the name of the selected product. With the field still selected (2), click the product name binding (2) from our data source, and bind (5) it to (4).

8.We do the same with the rest of the fields that we need in this form. When we are done adding the text fields inside the form, we also add a submit button, so we can submit the form data.

9.Now, click the button (1) that is located inside the repeat region. Open the behaviors panel (2) and add a new behavior for this button (3).

10.Under DMXzone (1), select control HTML5 Data Bindings (2).

11.From the action dropdown, choose - select active record (1) and current selection from the set to dropdown (2). Click the OK button, when you are done. Now, when you click the update info button in the repeat region, it will populate the info of the selected record inside the detail region.

2.Now, let's create the update record server action. Click add new server action button (1) and add a name for this action (2).

13.Expand the global variables (1) in the action steps list and link your update record page (2) to them.

14.Select your page (1) and click OK (2).

15.From the global input properties, select the update record form (1) and right click steps, under the execute list (2).

16.We need to add a database connection.

17.We already defined a database connection for the repeat region on the page, so we just select it from the dropdown.

18.Right click the database connection in the steps list (1) and select add database update (2).

19.Add a name for the database update step (1) and select your connection from the dropdown (2). When you're done, click the update options button (3).

20.Select the database table (1), that you want to update and add it to the tables list (2). Choose (3) and add the table columns that you need to edit (4).

21.Now, bind the corresponding form inputs to each of them. Select the first column (1) and click the server data bindings picker (2).

22.Under globals, expand post variables (1), select the form input that corresponds to the selected database column (2) and click the select button (3).

23.We do the same with the rest of the database table columns.

24.In the filter tab (1), select the column (2), that you want to filter your product by. In our tutorial this is the product ID. Click the add button (3).

25.The column value must be equal to the value of the hidden field, located in the detail region. Click the server data bindings picker.

26.Expand the global input variables and under post (1), select the hidden field name (2). When you're done, click the select button (3).

27.Now click OK in order to apply the changes.

28.Also, make sure to save your action steps.

29.Then, in the HTML5 Data Bindings panel (1), select the server connect action executors (2) and click add new button (3).

30.Select your server action from the dropdown (1) and bind it to the update form on your page (2). Don't forget to add a name for the executor (3) and to check the on submit checkbox (4).

31.We'd like to see the changes in the products list immediately, so we select options (1) and click the behaviors (2).

32.In the behavior connector, we select the on success event (1). And then, under DMXzone, click control HTML5 Data Bindings Behavior (2) and add it (3).

33.Now, set the action to – refresh data and click OK.

34.Click OK again.

35.Let's preview the results. You can see that the selected product info appears in the update form.

36.As soon as you make your changes and click the update product button, the products list refreshes and you can see the changes there.

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Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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