Saving time with Photoshop masks

Clients can be irritating. Especially when they change their minds about things. In this article we'll learn to work around this. What we're aiming for here is saving time. We're going to look at techniques to minimize redoing design work, by taking a close look at masks and how they can work for you. We'll also go through the production cycle of a design, and how to develop it so that any image that has been used can quickly be replaced by another - without having to redo all the effects you've used on it.

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Table of Content:

  • Introduction
  • The basics of masks
  • Here's how it works:
  • An important point to realize:
  • Layer Group masks
  • Practical applications of this
  • Using masks in a production environment
  • Looks complicated?!

Gavin Cromhout

Gavin CromhoutGavin Cromhout lives in Cape Town, South Africa, where he works as a new media designer and digital photographer. He studied art at the University of Cape Town and now co-runs the Web Agency He's worked on a number of books (New Masters of Photoshop, Photoshop 7 Professional Photographic Techniques, Photoshop Face to Face, Photoshop Elements 2 Face Makeovers, Photoshop Elements 2 Tips N Tricks, Digital Photography with Adobe Photoshop Elements,Photoshop 7 Zero to Hero, Photoshop 7: Trade Secrets )

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