Quick Fixes in Photo retouching

So the client has told you that they need to upload an image of the head honcho to the website - shock horror, he's so ugly that people think he's me. Now what? There are many scenarios that we might find ourselves in where photo retouching is useful or advisable. Usually however this takes hours. In this tutorial, we use a relatively quick method of photo retouching to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

How are we going to do that? We're going to use blending modes. Blending modes are great, blending modes are fun; much of the power of Photoshop lies in being able to use them. But which modes are useful for what and how? Let' s take a closer look at them.

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Table of Content:

  • The Game Plan
    • Next step
    • Final step
  • Burn blending
    • Dodging
    • Lighting

Gavin Cromhout

Gavin CromhoutGavin Cromhout lives in Cape Town, South Africa, where he works as a new media designer and digital photographer. He studied art at the University of Cape Town and now co-runs the Web Agency http://www.lodestone.co.za. He's worked on a number of books (New Masters of Photoshop, Photoshop 7 Professional Photographic Techniques, Photoshop Face to Face, Photoshop Elements 2 Face Makeovers, Photoshop Elements 2 Tips N Tricks, Digital Photography with Adobe Photoshop Elements,Photoshop 7 Zero to Hero, Photoshop 7: Trade Secrets )

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