Database Design: Simple SQL Queries

In today's beginners' Database tutorial, we explore a sample database model for a relatively simple system. In it we  look at some good examples of the different types of relationships that tables can have in a database. We then look at a couple SQL queries based on this model.

Rob then gently takes you to the world of  SQL JOINs and how we can use them to create information from data. We also modify data in a table, through the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries. We finish up with a unique example of how to filter data, through the use of the NOT IN keywords and a nested query.

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Table of Content:

  • The model
  • The queries
  • Conclusion

Robert Stuttaford

Robert StuttafordI live in Cape Town, South Africa. I've been pushing 1's and 0's ever since my first computer at the age of 11. Ever since then I've always known I'll be a geek. I now work for Wireframe Studio in sunny Cape Town, and have been for the last 3 years. I'm the database / ASP / dynamic Flash guy here. I'm also one of the XHTML / CSS guys. I have alot of fun in my work because I develop solutions in a variety of ways. I always have something to do, and one project is always different to the next. I actually do have a girlfriend amongst all that!

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