Photoshop: Slicing Hybrid Images

We know when to optimise an image as a JPG and when to use GIF, but what about hybrid images, composed of areas of great colour gradient, and other areas with flat colour or text? In this article, Gavin Cromhout - DMXzone's Photoshop Yoda - shows you how to optimise hybrid images, slicing and optimising, locking important colours to produce a seamless reduced-size image.

The tools Gavin uses are Photoshop and ImageReady, but the main concepts are appropriate for web designers whatever image editor they are using.

This tutorial is suitable for beginners upwards; we've seen lots of professional images out there that are badly optimised!

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Table of Content:

  • Introduction
  • A quick recap:
  • Slicing A Simple Image
  • The Plot Thins: A complex image
  • Decision Making
  • Let the games begin: optimizing
  • Check-list for hybrids

Gavin Cromhout

Gavin CromhoutGavin Cromhout lives in Cape Town, South Africa, where he works as a new media designer and digital photographer. He studied art at the University of Cape Town and now co-runs the Web Agency He's worked on a number of books (New Masters of Photoshop, Photoshop 7 Professional Photographic Techniques, Photoshop Face to Face, Photoshop Elements 2 Face Makeovers, Photoshop Elements 2 Tips N Tricks, Digital Photography with Adobe Photoshop Elements,Photoshop 7 Zero to Hero, Photoshop 7: Trade Secrets )

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