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MS SQL Virtual Table

Imagine that you have two tables inside a MS SQL database and you want to have them combined and displayed as one table. This is possible with a view statement provided by the different database engines. In this movie we will show you how to make a virtual table from two MS SQL tables and present the result in a DMXzone Ajax DataGrid.




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Coding a jQuery Plugin Part 3

We now reached part 3 of the jQuery plugin authoring tutorial; we’ve now added most of the functionality for our plugin, but there are still a number of loose ends that need to be tied up; namely, we still need to add the functions for showing the popup when the link element it is attached to is clicked, as well as add the code for the AJAX success handler.

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Coding a jQuery Plugin Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of the jQuery plugin creation tutorial; in part one we created our protected-properties and configurable properties, as well as the object that will make up our plugin. We added the method that developers will call to create an instance of our widget.

In this part of the tutorial we’re going to continue adding the functionality that will enable our widget to work in the way that we want it to. All of the functions left to add are internal methods shielded from the developer that are required internally by the plugin. Let’s make a start.

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Coding a jQuery Plugin Part 1

Over the course of this tutorial we’ll be coding our very own jQuery plugin that will sit on top of the excellent foundation provided by jQuery and function like a jQuery UI widget. We’ll be making the most of the object-oriented features of both jQuery and of JavaScript itself and getting down to some quality coding using the latest best-practice techniques.

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The All New YUI Selector Utility

One of my favourite things about jQuery is the ease in which elements on your page can be obtained; you can grab single elements using ids, or multiple elements using class names, tag names and even attributes or other more complex patterns using a syntax almost identical to that of CSS. This makes the library extremely flexible and very attractive to those with little JavaScript knowledge but experience with CSS.


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Using the YUI Color Picker Control

The YUI is constantly growing and evolving, and new utilities, tolls and controls are rapidly being developed and added. One of these controls is the Color Picker, used to add a compact and easy-to-use interface for selecting colours. The format of the control is intuitive and is similar to what you’d find in an imaging application such as Photoshop. During the course of this tutorial we’ll be looking at just how easy it is to add colour-picker functionality to your web pages.

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Free! - JavaScript Serializer

Serialization is the most sensible way of exchanging the information in any type of communication. Delivering the data from the server and sending the response back is the most usual application of the serialization. Read More

jQuery and the Air Platform Part 5

In this, the final part of the jQuery and Air introduction we’re going to look at packaging our application into a single archive file that people can download and install on their machines. The process is quite simple, but does involve the use of several different technologies to complete successfully. We can also create a new version of our application so that we can test the update mechanism that we implemented in Part 4.

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jQuery and the Air Platform Part 4

In this part of the tutorial, we’re going to look at the process by which Air applications can be updated, and investigate related issues such as how your application can determine whether or not an update is required and how the update file can be downloaded. In the next and final part of the tutorial we can then make a new version of dmxCompanion to check that the update process works as intended. Read More

Creating An Editable Dropdown


The Web 2.0 era has created popular demand for various interface widgets designed to improve user experience and (sometimes :-)) make developer’s life easier. In this article we will create such a widget - an editable dropdown list, an interface component allowing user to either enter a value directly or pick one from a dropdown. The most common examples of such a component are the address bar menu in your browser, a font picker in the word processor application or the auto-complete feature.

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jQuery and the Air Platform Part 3

In part two we added the core functionality to our application - the getting and processing of the news feed from DMX Zone. In this part of the tutorial we’re going to finish off the application by adding some additional behaviour, namely wiring up our buttons so that they have hover and selected states and so that they actually do something, and then creating a secondary popup window like an operating system dialog box that will display some information relevant to our application and the resources it uses.

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jQuery and the Air Platform Part 2

In Part 1 of this tutorial we looked at setting up the Air development environment and created some of the basic pre-requisites for our application such the application descriptor file, a basic stylesheet and the skeleton HTML file. In this part of the tutorial we’re going to add the JavaScript that will power the application and give us the functionality we desire. Read More
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