Advanced Tooltips Support Product Page

question: I keep waiting for updates after a year
Posted by Josep Lluis Pardo, got 1 reply, last reply was 22 Apr 2013 06:12:57 by Vulcho Vulev
problem: i can not see the tool tip if i use a returns In progress
Posted by Vitor Fernandes-Neto, got 1 reply, last reply was 29 Mar 2013 07:59:09 by Miroslav Zografski
question: How can I put a Linebreak into my simpleText? Answered
Posted by Denis Hoffmann, got 2 replies, last reply was 27 Mar 2013 09:58:51 by Denis Hoffmann
problem: Advanced tooltips in html5 gives scroll bars unnecessarily in the tooltip Under investigation
Posted by Badg Champion, got 5 replies, last reply was 13 Feb 2013 12:37:47 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Can you put a table into the tooltip? Answered
Posted by Barbara Anderson, got 7 replies, last reply was 15 Jan 2013 19:55:09 by Barbara Anderson
problem: Tooltip displays in wrong place in some browsers In progress
Posted by Neil Morphew, got 3 replies, last reply was 12 Nov 2012 08:03:31 by Vulcho Vulev
problem: Purchased and installed 7 products Under investigation
Posted by Barry Austin, got 1 reply, last reply was 20 Sep 2012 20:49:58 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: The tooltip does not work properly in Explorer 9 Answered
Posted by Josep Lluis Pardo, got 6 replies, last reply was 17 Sep 2012 23:27:37 by Dean Wiseman
question: Extension keeps asking to be installed and rejects the serial number.
Posted by christine Weald, got 1 reply, last reply was 25 Jul 2012 05:58:49 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Tooltip confined to area Answered
Posted by Steph Moreland, got 1 reply, last reply was 04 Jun 2012 06:33:31 by Vulcho Vulev
idea: Create tooltips with CSS and not images Planned
Posted by Josep Lluis Pardo, got 2 replies, last reply was 17 Apr 2012 16:01:04 by Josep Lluis Pardo
problem: Tooltip displays the div ID, not the content Not a problem
Posted by Lee Firth, got 6 replies, last reply was 23 Mar 2012 08:31:42 by Lee Firth
question: Editing forms within the advanced tooltips Answered
Posted by Brian Williams, got 4 replies, last reply was 07 Feb 2012 15:08:09 by Brian Williams
question: Add new colour tool tip Answered
Posted by Alan Goldsbro, got 2 replies, last reply was 06 Dec 2011 16:12:00 by Jamie oates
problem: New Lightbox 1.0.12 kills Tooltips[SOLVED] Solved
Posted by Greg Hogan, got 4 replies, last reply was 16 Sep 2011 18:46:58 by Greg Hogan
idea: AJAX Detail Under consideration
Posted by Jim Elliott, got 1 reply, last reply was 13 Sep 2011 09:43:21 by Miroslav Zografski
question: Close window and refresh parent Answered
Posted by Kenny Darcy, got 14 replies, last reply was 31 Aug 2011 11:05:32 by Miroslav Zografski
problem: Tooltips not functioning properly in Chrome
Posted by Gary Bortz, got 3 replies, last reply was 30 Apr 2011 03:30:16 by Gary Bortz
question: Tooltip box is just square, not like advertised Answered
Posted by CONNIE GONDEK, got 1 reply, last reply was 29 Aug 2011 11:14:53 by Miroslav Zografski
question: Using Tooltip as a Lookup window
Posted by Walter Barlet, got 2 replies, last reply was 07 Mar 2011 15:51:26 by Walter Barlet
question: problems with template functionality Answered
Posted by P R, got 1 reply, last reply was 31 May 2011 16:30:44 by Miroslav Zografski
question: Tooltip does not work from image hotspot?
Posted by Brad Lawryk, got 1 reply, last reply was 21 Mar 2011 11:14:55 by Miroslav Zografski
question: Basic tool tip doesn't work
Posted by Phil Boyle, got 1 reply, last reply was 22 Apr 2011 01:37:11 by Phil Boyle
problem: Problems with Tooltip and Image area
Posted by Günter Schindlmaier, got 11 replies, last reply was 10 Jun 2011 20:17:09 by trevor white-miller
question: Rich Text from mySQL record Answered
Posted by Khalil Radhi, got 2 replies, last reply was 13 Jun 2011 20:14:08 by Khalil Radhi