General and Text Filters in Data Bindings Formatter

October 1, 2013

Explore the general and text filters included in the Data Bindings Formatter

The last pack of filter that we'll present you, just a day before the official release of HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter are the general and text filters. Choose one of the many filters to apply formatting to your data binding. For example, search and replace a text value or perform text transforms like upper case, capitalize and many others. It's an easy job to apply any filter with our easy to use UI. Check out the details below and stay tuned for its official public appearance tomorrow!

The Story

General Filtering

  • Default - Sets the default value if binding has no value.

Text Filtering

  • Camelcase - Camelcase a string. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns dmxzoneDataBindings.

  • Camelize - Camelize a string. for example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns DMXzoneDataBindings.

  • Capitalize - Capitalize a string. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns Dmxzone data bindings.

  • Dasherize - Dasherize a string. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns -d-m-xzone-data-bindings.

  • Humanize - Humanize a string. For example: DMXzoneDataBindings returns Dmxzone data bindings.

  • Lower Case - Convert a string to lower case. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns dmxzone data bindings.

  • Replace - Replace a part of a string with a new value.

  • Slugify - Slugify a string. For example DMXzone Data Bindings returns dmxzone-data-bindings.

  • Split - Split a string on a character.

  • Titlecase - Titlecase a string. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns Dmxzone Data Bindings.

  • To String - Converts the input to string.

  • Trim - Trims white space from begin and end of a string.

  • Underscore - Underscore a string. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns dmxzone_data_bindings.

  • Upper Case - Converts a string to upper case. For example: DMXzone Data Bindings returns DMXZONE DATA BINDINGS.


For this example, we used the Uppercase filter that converts a string to upper case, in our example, the car names. Also we added a Replace filter to substitute cars with models into the category field.

HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter


Dreamweaver Design View 

Browser preview

Before applying Upper case and Replace filters


After applying Upper case and Replace filters



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Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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