Smart Data Form Inputs in DMXzone App Connect

February 6, 2017

More insights from the upcoming DMXzone App Connect

We'll tease you a little bit longer until the upcoming DMXzone App Connect is ready for its official debut. In today's blog article, we'll take a look at the HTML forms and their input fields, which become fully data aware, thanks to DMXzone App Connect. The most amazing news is that you can use their values in expressions, react on changes and even get the status of your HTML5 validation, automatically set the right validation classes and show a message.

The Story


Also some of the HTML5 input controls like checkboxes, radios and especially select are enhanced for easier data population. You can just specify a data source for the options for the select control it will will automatically build its options list. This way you can easily create a fully dynamic lists and even lists that are dependent on each other! All this with just choosing the right data bindings in DMXzone App Connect and no coding at all!

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Lubov Cholakova

Lubov CholakovaLubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.

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I wonder how radio groups will work

February 6, 2017 by Greta Garberini
Up til now I found it still a bit flimsy to populate radio groups on update forms. Is there an easier way here? But this is just a tiny detail. What I would like to know is about compatibility. How will our projects react if we first built it with Data Connect and want to switch...? Is it better to start from scratch?

RE: I wonder how radio groups will work

February 6, 2017 by Teodor Kuduschiev
Hi Greta, Yes, it will be easier to use dynamic radios and checkboxes with App Connect. Installing App Connect won't affect any of the websites built with HTML5 Data Bindings, they will remain fully functional. So you can keep your old projects and maintain them using HTML5 Data Bindings and use DMXzone App Connect for your new sites.

Great, thank you

February 7, 2017 by Greta Garberini
This is good news, indeed. We sometimes have to build quite complex forms and it can be very tiring building those form fields and connect them dynamically with database content. I am looking forward to AppConnect. Also very good that we can keep our former projects alive with Data Bindings.

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