Updated: App Connect Animate CSS

June 19, 2019

This week we are updating one of our most popular extensions - App Connect Animate CSS.

This update adds a few enhancements to the best animation tool for Dreamweaver. Now you can adjust your inview animations even more precisely by using the new delay and duration options. Also we added support for App Connect Lazy Load - the animations will be triggered when the element is loaded with Lazy Load.
Last but not least, we added a couple of new animation effects - Jello and Heart Beat.

If you still don't own this extension - take advantage of the sale price and get it now!

Go to App Connect Animate CSS

Keep in mind that App Connect Animate CSS is fully available within Wappler - the DMXzone-made full Dreamweaver replacement and so much more! Why not to give it a try for FREE?


Teodor Kuduschiev

Teodor KuduschievAs a part of the DMXzone and Wappler team, Teodor has a passion for creative web development, using the latest technologies. He's taking care of showcases, tutorials and support for our community.

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