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Upgrading to PHAkt 1.1.0

Posted 17 Dec 2001 00:39:40
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17 Dec 2001 00:39:40 Jose Ortega posted:
Hello everybody!

Being very thankful for Interakt's great extension I would like to upgrade to the new 1.1.0 version of PHAkt. The upgrade.txt file included in the release says:
- please edit every connection for automatic update to ADODB 1.54 (Windows only)

I am using PHAkt on a Windows system. So what do I have to do now?

I already updated PHAkt to version 1.1.0 via Macromedia's extension manager. I then tried deleting the adodb folder in my current project. It, however, was recreated containing what I believe to be the old adodb 1.40 files.

How do I accomplish a complete update?

Thanks for your help!


Replied 17 Dec 2001 11:52:17
17 Dec 2001 11:52:17 Tim Green replied:
Editing the connections means exactly that.

In UltraDev itself, click on Modify->Connections. Then select each of the connections in turn and click on Edit, then click OK when the new dialogue opens.

This is enough for all your connection information (and the adodb files) to be upgraded. All that is then left for you to do is to upload the new files to your website.

Tim Green

Extension & PHP TalkZone Manager
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Replied 17 Dec 2001 12:12:27
17 Dec 2001 12:12:27 Tim Green replied:
As an extra note...

It would appear that the readme.htm file in the PHAkT distribution is the older version from ADODB v1.4 and it therefore makes it impossible to determine the installed version from this file.

To ensure that the upgrade has occurred successfully open up the file and you should see that in the first few lines the version number is listed there as @version V1.54 15 Nov 2001.

Hope this helps.

Tim Green

Extension & PHP TalkZone Manager
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Replied 17 Dec 2001 12:57:13
17 Dec 2001 12:57:13 Jose Ortega replied:
Many, many thanks Tim Green!!!
I made the mistake and looked at the readme.htm to determine the version.
Thanks again!

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