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php/postgres displays blank web page

Posted 18 Dec 2001 20:53:38
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18 Dec 2001 20:53:38 David Fee posted:
I'm using PHP/Postgres/Apache and when I create a recordset and display the results to the browser, the page is blank. None of the HTML is displayed. However, if I use the simple phpinfo() script, it displays the php configurations. Postrges is working fine and the ODBC is also working too. I just installed all this stuff also, could there be something missing?


Replied 19 Dec 2001 00:51:05
19 Dec 2001 00:51:05 Tim Green replied:
Dave, have you properly configured the website within 'Define Sites', properly configurinf the application server etc?

If so, have you ensured that the adodb folder and Connections folder have been uploaded too ?

Tim Green

Extension & PHP TalkZone Manager
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