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database interface

Posted 27 Dec 2001 17:35:15
has voted
27 Dec 2001 17:35:15 opmaster0 opmaster0 posted:
java error " too much recursion " when trying to add a master detail page or a form.
(ps: i;m need to set up a complete php interface to a remote oracle database(reports and all) any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanx<font face='Lucida Console'></font id='Lucida Console'>


Replied 27 Dec 2001 18:17:21
27 Dec 2001 18:17:21 Tim Green replied:
This issue has been reported at on their support forums. It would appear to be an ADODB issue. Check out the link above for more information (by now there is probably already a fix).

Tim Green

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