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Behavioral Problems w/ UD Authentication

Posted 22 Apr 2001 22:23:24
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22 Apr 2001 22:23:24 Carolus Holman posted:
I am hosting a site on a Win2k/ASP enabled host. Here's the problem:
When I use the Built-in UD4 Password behavior I get errors (non specific because my hosting company has turned off error reporting). On the other hand when I use MFX-Login it works fine. I know it's not Database Connectivity, I do believe it may be the server-variable call.

Has anyone figured out how to use this?

It works fine on my internal server...

The Los is a ghost


Replied 26 Apr 2001 12:42:33
26 Apr 2001 12:42:33 Waldo Smeets replied:
Please specify the errors you are occuring, that makes solving the problem a littlebit easier for us.

Waldo Smeets - Webmaster
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