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Had it with MX

Posted 14 Jun 2002 12:30:49
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14 Jun 2002 12:30:49 shane anderson posted:
I've had it with MX -for the moment at least, I've de-installed and re-installed for the 4th time. enough is enough. I've already bought the studio but it can sit on the shelf a while until the upgrades and 3rd parties actually make this the piece of kit it could be.

Is it ultrasuite, or robgt, or charon, or conditional region or Upload2.09 that has brought it to its knees or is it just any extension that eventually finds a flaw.

But this thing doesn't just crash it then sometimes locks you out of that file for good cos it just crashes when you open it.


Replied 14 Jun 2002 13:41:49
14 Jun 2002 13:41:49 J.S. - UltraSuite replied:
Did you install the Preview release before installing the final release of DMX? I have been using DMX for ages and never come across any such problem.
Replied 14 Jun 2002 17:11:37
14 Jun 2002 17:11:37 Jeremy Conn replied:
I haven't had any problems either... Macromedia did mention that not all those old (UD1/4) extensions would work because the code engine has been enhanced and changed...

To expect that free "legacy" extensions should work with a brand new version of software is just not realistic. Sites that provide "pay" extensions have been scrambling to adjust/test their extensions and almost all of them have had to release updates - showing that MX is definitely different.

Anyway, I am just surprised at people complaining about MX when what they are actually complining about is that their favorite extension doesn't work. MX is much more powerful, writes cleaner/slimmer code, and makes work even easier with the new enhanced interface. I bought 'Studio MX' and have no complaints.

Anyone out there agree?

Replied 14 Jun 2002 17:21:48
14 Jun 2002 17:21:48 carolus Holman replied:
I have found DW MX to be as slow or slower than UD4, I may wait to purchase until the bugs are worked out. The one thing I absolutely hate is the way it handles the data connections. I have tried turning them off, caching them etc. The data connecitons bring this App to it's knees, I thought UD4 was bad, DMX is worse. I am using the release "Preview Verison" posted after the Pre-Release. I agree though that some extensions cause problems. When I get a javascript error I track down the offending code (extension) and delete it. Right now the Hide Email (an extension that java-scripts an email address to hide from webcrawlers) was popping off errors, just by being installed! I wasn't even using it. I uninstalled it and the problem went away. Over all I like to new interface, but the SPEED is still lacking. (running a DUAL PIII with 512 megs of ram)

Carolus Holman
Replied 25 Jun 2002 05:01:53
25 Jun 2002 05:01:53 Kelly Brady replied:
Well all in all I have found that DMX is just as slow as UD4. I to do not like the Connection strings it makes. Whatever happened to creating 9 lines of code to make a connection, create a SQL statement and then executing it and returning rs's, and even cleaning the dam thing up. I will admit that DMX has been much friendlier to me then for some people in this post but is still is slow and I would love to see far less code for creating simple, inserts, selects etc....

Dim conn
Dim RS
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=username_reader;Password=password;Initial Catalog=dbname;Data Source=servername"
SQL = ""
Set RS = conn.Execute(SQL)

RS = Nothing

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