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on blur change text box colour???

Posted 09 Jul 2002 18:07:29
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09 Jul 2002 18:07:29 David Behan posted:
on blur change text box colour???

Anyone know how to do it? That when a user selects clicks into a text box, the "class" changes to another value which has a different background colour set. I tried a view javascripts like change property in Dreamweaver MX but to no avail. Anyone know the actual script as I am not a javascript writer.



David Behan -


Replied 23 Jul 2002 12:22:49
23 Jul 2002 12:22:49 Man CHAN replied:
<INPUT onBlur="'#ffffff'" onFocus="'#ffffcc'" onMouseOver=this.focus() style="font-size:8pt;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#ffffff; BORDER-BOTTOM: #111111 1px dotted; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-LEFT: #111111 1px dotted; BORDER-RIGHT: #111111 1px dotted; BORDER-TOP: #111111 1px dotted" maxLength=16 name=username size=12 type=text>

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