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ASP.Net programmers are doomed

Posted 16 Jul 2002 10:00:54
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16 Jul 2002 10:00:54 Viktor Farcic posted:
After some time working with ASP.Net, I must say that it's the best thing that happened to web after HTML. There's only one problem. What program to use?

Dreamweaver MX doesn't use Code Behind and doesn't support intellisense in pages other then aspx (for example aspx.vb). These are just the features that iritates me most and the complete list is too big for this forum. I have the feeling that team that developed MX implemented ASP.Net in a hurry.

Visual Studio .Net, on the other hand, creates pages as he wants. For one simeple example with just few lines of code it created me 7 pages. It doesn't have integrated FTP client takes all of your memory and few GB of hard disk.

Web Matrix is nice (free) idea but it also lack FTP client, doesn't support code behind and, most important, doesn't have intellisense.

I'm probably spoiled but there's no tool that can satisfy me when working with ASP.Net.

For now I'm using MX as advanced Note Pad (allways in code view).

What's your experience with .Net programs?

Viktor Farcic
TalkZone Manager


Replied 17 Jul 2002 05:02:26
17 Jul 2002 05:02:26 b w replied:
Here is an interesting site from another user using .net with MX.

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